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Site Updates

☺ December 31th, 2024 (4:50PM-PST/7:50PM-EST):
V5.1.0 Rare Yeebus post on this page hi guys i just added a new years easter egg! If you're on the front page on new year's day or up to an hour before new years... well i wont spoil it just be there or be square. Had some help from Asaklair as i'm sure you'll notice (if you're not a square)

☺ December 13th, 2024 (9:28PM-PST/12:28PM-EST):
V5.0.1 It slipped my mind to say a few days ago, but we added Christmas music to the Jukebox! (Only during December, until Christmas day so if you're reading this after the fact then u have to wait another year! Joy!)

☺ December 7th, 2024 (12:58PM-PST/3:58PM-EST):
V5.0.0 finally 5.0 babeeyyy. Rejoice! We finally have our Christmas decorations up... a week late ;p Also... Classic yam history, the snow is back on the front page! Who remembers that? Only for December, so enjoy it while it's here!

☺ December 4th, 2024 (12:22PM-PST/3:22PM-EST):
V4.11.3 fixed images not being zoomable despite them having the zoomable tag. was a longtime bug apparently, we were just lazy ;p

☺ November 7th, 2024 (12:36AM-PST/3:36AM-EST):
V4.11.0 So halloween came and went and nobody told me the site was broken on halloween day... Yeebus fixed it in the last few hours but still.
ANYWAYS we have so many new songs in the jukebox. Like... Ok i dont remember how many like a two hundred. We have like four hundred total songs in the juke now. Oh joy. Lots have a rarity value, and many are pretty rare. So I hope you're listening closely to that thing. This also means new songs are coming to the radio station soon. Stay tuned, lovlies.

☺ October 26th, 2024 (3:03PM-PST/6:03PM-EST):
V4.10.0 we finally got some visitors from some cute little halloween creatures. Man it took quite a bit longer than any of us thought lol. Technically these are all placeholder-art creatures until we get the proper ones done by that artist friend I mentioned. Had some hiccups but it's alright. There's always next year ;)

☺ October 17th, 2024 (3:27PM-PST/6:27PM-EST):
V4.9.5 ok so apparently someone deleted like one line of code and broke all the audio players in the gallery and I only just now realized lol. Oopsies ;3

☺ October 2nd, 2024 (6:14PM-PST/9:14PM-EST):
V4.9.2 9 finally got the decorations and everything pushed to the live site! Not to mention we also have a new loading screen for all you slowpokes with terrible connection ;) AAAAND We finally got a new featured artist! @mitergea on ig!!

☺ September 29th, 2024 (12:46AM-PST/3:46AM-EST):
V4.9.0 9 came quick after 8 just cuz it was another medium sized update. We have been working hard decorating the site for October / Halloween! I had lots of fun setting stuff up. Yeebus managed to set up some functions that automatically put all the decorations back into their boxes when the month is over too. I'm excited to decorate for other holidays too but that will come later. First we have to finish the halloween decorations hopefully with some help from one of the guys' friends in the next few days!

☺ September 26th, 2024 (3:02AM-PST/6:02AM-EST):
V4.8.0 Finally got around to welding on a new panel for our socials on the front page. Go click them and follow us ;p
We've also set up a 'see more' function for the featured art tab, cuz APPARENTLY having dozens of lovely embeds just sitting there doing nothing special takes up a lot of ram. I tried to get that working for the main gallery but its a bit more of a nightmare cuz I have to account for the replies which are handled a bit differently. Eventually we'll have that all done.
Point is, follow us and join the discord, not that you'll see me there lol, but Asaklair and Yeebus are there.

☺ September 21st, 2024 (2:26AM-PST/5:26AM-EST):
V4.7.0 Oh yeah, new devnews entry in under a week. Wired up a neat little lcd screen for site banners from other sites we like. Yeebus utilized the touch screen features to make sure you could actually click on the banners as they scroll by. Anyways, Next plan is to get a little social media button menu. Hopefully soon...

☺ September 19th, 2024 (12:08AM-PST/3:08AM-EST):
V4.5.4 I have neglected the devnews page somewhat (oopsies teehee). The main thing that's changed is that we have a minecraft server (ip: usersplayground.com) and you can now click on images in posts to zoom in / load the full resolution image. Save them if u want.
Ok see you in three months!

☺ July 8th, 2024 (8:21PM-PST/11:21PM-EST):
V4.4.0 Despite the jump in version numbers not too much has changed. Just felt like making a post saying we LOST a bunch of commits between Yeebus and I's internets >:O Not a big deal because the latest one was backed up but whatever I guess. Anyways there were just some bug fixes. Jukebox's 'rare' tracks were too rare, site's background was too big and shifting the screen around weirdly sometimes, logo gif at the top was too large a file, etc. And we'll be posting some more. K byeee

☺ June 14th, 2024 (4:21PM-PST/7:21PM-EST):
V4.2.1 Added a little sign for MechNet on the front page so people can get to it easily and INDULGE in the SOUND. Right now the sign is hardwired to be on, so even if the radio goes offline, the sign will still say 'on air'... For now... Ok now go click it

☺ June 12th, 2024 (12:32AM-PST/3:32AM-EST):
V4.2.0 Don't have too much to say this time. Fixed a few things like the little audio player (not the juke) was playing with the wrong volume when u changed it. Had some wires in the wrong place... oopsies :D
Other than that read YAMUM! The first volume of our annual magazine!

☺ May 22th, 2024 (8:39PM-PST/11:39PM-EST):
V4.0.6 bugz bugz bugz @~@ Yeebus has been handling a bunch of bugs on the home page. For instance: the Jukebox was shuffling an empty array instead of shuffling in rare songs (now you can actually hear rare tracks mixed in properly), we took the Juke's song count/duration down from like ~130 / 4.5 hr. down to like a random selection of around 12 or so tracks / 20ish min total, each page reload (crazy we have that much music though! Keeps the Juke interesting!) it was slowing the site down... Same with the pics i took of all the metal scraps for the ui were huge and also slowing the site down a bunch. Aaaaand some other little flavour elements like the site's age at the bottom right not counting properly. I'm told that one was a particular headache haha. And credit where credit is due ASAKLAIR Mr. Asaklair got the radio functioning on its own secure subdomain FINALLY! (radio.youaremachines.com) He was telling me the connection was unencrypted porting it from my scrapyard to DP's internet. I guess that's what you get for running a bootleg radio service ;p

☺ May 10th, 2024 (5:39PM-PST/8:39PM-EST):
V4.0.0 I can hardly believe it, but the front page is finally FINALLY done!!! We've got some work to do posting some things, so stay tuned! We'll be a little more active on here now that we can finally share some things on a proper front page. It's like a well made bed.
Basically all we did was add a LOAD of songs to the frontpage, and the more important thing was we made sure the site's ui loads quicker. Yeebus pulled some magic and reduced the weight of all the metal parts. Also, our featured posts now have some dates to see when they were posted!

☺ April 24th, 2024 (11:46AM-PST/2:46AM-EST):
V3.8.0 it feels like just yesterday it was V3.7.1... Well actually it was a few seconds ago as of writing this. Teehee. It was a big day of bug crushing and getting some other optimizations in place, so it was worth a bigger number lol. Also, crazy seeing a Devnews update twice in one month! Anyways Yeebus did most of the bug fixing and getting it working/displaying on all browsers properly.

But I was helpful too!! I found this sick little audio player while scavenging and my first thought was "this would be great for the site". So, I got it set up to take audio files and play them properly. The little tracking head to scrub through the track was broken so (you can probably see) I had to cut it open and got a little bodge-job fix in there with a bolt, but I think it gives it character! Anyways I carved our name into it so you KNOW its an authentic YAM-branded device. I just think it would be great for little audio updates, some music Asaklair might make. Maybe some poetry reading hahaha. That sounds stupid so I think we should do that.

Speaking of Asaklair, he was super helpful doing some back-end maintenance fixing the web server host thingy awhile ago. Apparently the old company was evil so he switched over to a not-so-evil host that ensures we own all our art and like, the site itself. Apparently it's a load of work resetting all the server records, security, email, and other bits (who knew). So thank you to not just our only back-end developer, but our only back-end developer haha.

☺ April 9, 2024 (1:23AM-PST/4:23AM-EST):
V3.5.3 I think the (fucking) jukebox is finally (mostly) done!! (Nothing is ever done in this place) It only took forever but now there's a working volume slider, and Yeebus helped cleaning up some bugs with it. Just need to get a few more songs in, and pick one of the YAM theme songs to be the first thing to play on it every time you reload the site.

Plus, I've figured out some better ways to share cool shit I find browsing through old junk drives I find rummaging in the featured art tab. Yeebus helped a lot getting it working on DP and was able to find the still-online equivalent of the images and videos I found and 'embed' them or link to them or something. Idk it still kind of blows my mind DP's internet is still alive, and that I can see where all this art came from.

ALSO shit I can't believe I haven't mentioned but we have a LIVE RADIO STATION!!! I tried starting one to broadcast here in Marionette, and it was going ok, but apparently Asaklair is like a radio head ( ;p ) so he took over and made it way better. Still broadcasts in Marionette as well! He's the host now too lol. But we all decide on the songs and help out with it. That'll be online later on... Who ever knows when shit will be done with this site haha. Anyways, I will pre-emptively command you to listen to WBKR MECH-NET RADIO!!!

☺ January 17, 2024 (3:41AM-PST/6:41AM-EST):
V3.4.0 have been making a few changes to the jukebox, and have been getting the credit system in and finally working! Needs some polish, but the good thing is that it functions. Now it doesn't seem like we're stealing from people :p

☺ January 2, 2024 (2:34PM-PST/5:34PM-EST):
V3.2.7 We've agreed to do another push to the livesite even though the front page isn't quite finished yet. There have been a lot of updates already, so why not show it off a little ;) I think the main thing is just that the featured art tab supports a few embeds now (but apparently most embeds are big and dumb and dont scale nicely!) But whatever, that whole auxiliary panel could use a bit of work.

☺ November 30, 2023 (12:31AM-PST/3:31AM-EST):
V3.2.2 uhhhh ignore the long break again lol. Have been busy in the scrapyard with other things. BUT I got back to the site and did some work with Yeebus. Almost all the the post types are formatted but the really satisfying thing is that everything posts chronologically now! Meaning we can schedule posts so the site can be active while we're all busy (like I was, as u know ;) Anyways, front page is nearly done, few more cleanup bits then we can move on to some other pages (finally). I'm always reminded how huge this mf is but it's really fun when it works.

☺ August 15, 2023 (5:58AM-PST/8:58AM-EST):
V3.0 HOLY CRAP!! SUCH A BUSY DAY AND WE'RE FINALLY AT 3.0!!! THE SITE'S (first major) PUBLIC RELEASE!!! So much for 'morning of August 12', damn. I was really pushing to have it done by today at the latest. And Yeebus was doing the same transcribing all my code and junk to DP's internet. I definitely spent the longest finishing up the juke, but it's wired up now (thank fuck lol). Took some time to throw up a few (temporary?) pics and our FIRST POSTS IN THE GALLERY! Omg, I mean like. It doesn't get much better than that. Next up, some team discussions with Asaklair and Yeebus for our next steps... This is just great. Snoop around, punk!!! Push some fucking buttons!!!

☺ August 10, 2023 (12:40AM-PST/12:40AM-EST):
V2.7 Polished up some bits, got a site visitor counter in, some nav bar icons (mostly so I knew wtf I was clicking on every time lol), and got a few LCDs powered and working. All that's left is to finish up this jukebox really, which I know is gonna be a bit of a bitch haha. Morning of August 12 is when I plan to get this kinda done (fuck really committing to that due date writing it here haha) Nearly there!

☺ August 9, 2023 (1:08AM-PST/4:08AM-EST):
V2.6 we're getting close now... I got the home page looking pretty good, everything is in place and ready for actual media!! Man, I have a backlog from all the hard drives and shit, and Asaklair and Yeebus have all their stuff they want to add too. We're all super excited. Just have to finish wiring up the soundsystem and text lcd's and it's pretty much good to go. I think this is gonna be pretty great...
And yeah, the plan is to release it when the home page is done, and just keep updating it as regularly as I can after that when it comes to adding the other pages and crap :p

☺ July 13, 2023 (3:07AM-PST/6:07AM-EST):
V2.3.4 fixed up some of these panels and buttons so they're a bit more satisfying to click and got this heart engine thing working, so hopefully I can power the site a bit better now. I hooked up this fan to test it- and cool the site, cuz it was gonna be very heavy on all the processing and shit I'm told. Anyways, it looks like it's all working so far!
(Also, I should come clean. I may be doing a lot of the scavenging finding these parts and bolting them together and stuff but I am getting a fair bit of help actually making it work on Dirt Palace's- your- interweb. Maybe I'll explain some more about that someday soon).

☺ July 11, 2023 (1:14AM-PST/4:14AM-EST):
V2.1 Oh yeah, that's right, VERSION 2!!!!! (Ignore the long break between updates, I was working on the ui, it takes a long time to make sure things are structurally sound when working with scrap metal). But anyways yeah, the ui is working, just time to give it some life, hopefully this little heart engine thing I found and wired up to it should help.

☺ June 12, 2023 (3:27AM-PST/6:27AM-EST):
V1.8.1 Got the compound ui set up for the site. I can now layer images on and graphically begin building the site... This is where it really gets started >:)

☺ June 11, 2023 (2:47AM-PST/5:47AM-EST):
V1.5.1 Uhhh, added like the beginning of the ui and fixed some glitchy css. It's still glitchy but at least its better. Also I added a version number to track progress.

➣ June 10, 2023 (5:46AM-PST/8:46AM-EST):
Lots of developments just completed. This site update page, music integration and random song selection (thanks to the Buzz api), along with a mute button, and some other bits.

➛ June 9, 2023 (3:45PM-PST/6:45PM-EST):
I began constructing my digital journal.

» June 8, 2023 (6:20PM-PST/9:20PM-EST):
I registered YouAreMachines.com.

☛ June 8, 2023 (6:17PM-PST/9:17PM-EST):
I began getting some inspiration for the site.

☺ June 7, 2023 (6:01PM-PST/9:01PM-EST):
I had an idea to make a website to start documenting stuff.

sal hey im sal
u found me lol